By now the whole world has heard that Jeff Bezos’s WhatsApp was hacked, leading to the theft, or exfiltration, of gigabytes of personal data. We don’t know what data the hackers stole, as the attackers, once finished with their operation, quickly deleted their tracks, destroying almost all of the tell-tale signs that they breached the phone. In the end, the one thing they could not hide, the sheer volume of data that suddenly left the phone, was what gave them away. For now the focus is squarely on attributing who was responsible. However, there’s another bigger question we should be asking. Why are these attacks becoming so common? Let’s take a look at what we know about the attack on Jeff Bezos’s phone. We know that Jeff Bezos received an MP4 media file and that all the suspicious activity took place immediately after. Looking at the National Vulnerability Database.