In literary terms, a quest is described as “an adventurous journey” taken on by a story’s main character. This journey often brings challenges, but by the end, the main character gains enhanced knowledge and experience. What does a literary device have to do with Identity? Implementing and growing your Identity practice is no different from a quest. Imagine you and your team must solve a series of challenges facing your organization — fragmented user identities, inefficient processes, and high-risk security postures, just to name a few. The journey towards a secure and agile organization is time consuming and taxing. And while the end goal is clear — streamlined identities, automation, enhanced security policies, etc. — the path there can be intimidating. By prioritizing Identity maturity within your organization, you’ll benefit from a strengthened security posture, a more productive workforce, improved operational efficiencies, and continued business growth. Workforce Identity Maturity Model.