The RSA Conference wrapped up last week in San Francisco. Tons of vendors, journalists and security-minded folks (the Okta team included) converged to discuss the latest trends in online security and how companies can best protect themselves from cyber attacks. Below we’ve recapped several journalists’ takes on the show’s key themes. Redrawing the Battle Lines: What We Actually Learned at RSA 2012 (ReadWriteWeb) In his summary for ReadWriteWeb, Scott Fulton was surprised to notice a strange new “culprit” for IT security breaches was taking precedence among conference goers: mobile devices and employees’ desire to have them. Fulton noted that many of the presentations centered on employee adoption of mobile devices outpacing (and in some cases bypassing) IT secure support and infrastructure for these devices. This was a new theme for RSA and points to the growing need for IT to catch up and meet end-user security.