For all the talk about the various technologies involved in digital transformation, people are really what’s driving organizations to push themselves in new directions. That’s why, at Okta, you’ll continuously hear us utter the phrase “your people are your future.” It’s not just a catchy slogan; we really believe that people—customers, employees, and citizens—are powering technological change. The effort that Washington D.C.’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) put forward to deliver an exceptional and secure experience for D.C.-area residents is an excellent case in point. The DCRA protects the economic interests and health of these residents by ensuring that all the city’s businesses are code compliant and operating within established guidelines. That’s not easy, especially in a city of nearly 700,000 people. The DCRA’s website fields hundreds of requests per day from residents and businesses requesting everything from permits to licenses to housing inspections. To make things more.