Okta Reaches 100 Percent Renewable Electricity for Global Offices and Workforce; Pioneers Hybrid Work Emissions Study

Dynamic Work environment shows per employee emissions reduced twenty-one percent; Identity leader reaches its renewable electricity goal ahead of target

SAN FRANCISCO — September 28, 2021  — Okta, Inc. (NASDAQ:OKTA), the leading independent identity provider, today announced the company has reached 100 percent renewable electricity for its global offices and employees’ work-from-home consumption in FY22, and launched the Dynamic Work Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Study, a study designed to measure the environmental impact of today’s hybrid workforce. The study found that in a Dynamic Work environment, Okta’s hybrid work framework which provides equity across work environments, per employee emissions are estimated to be 21 percent lower than they were prior to implementing Dynamic Work. 

As Okta expands its global presence and embraces Dynamic Work, quantifying the company’s new environmental footprint has become a critical piece of Okta’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) process. Okta partnered with Global Sustainability Consultancy Anthesis to run an analysis comparing its FY20 pre-pandemic, pre-dynamic year of work (Feb 1, 2019 - Jan 31, 2020) with an FY23 projected year with Dynamic Work in place to understand the impact Okta’s Dynamic Work framework has on its greenhouse gas emissions inventory. The study found that Dynamic Work can reduce GHG emissions, due to reduced employee commuting and reduced workplace square footage per person, even when ac