There’s a lot of hype around Web3, decentralization, and our digital identities lately. Even actor and producer Reese Witherspoon is getting in on the action, tweeting that parallel digital identities like avatars, crypto wallets, and digital goods will soon “be the norm” for everyone. When the aim is to optimize customer experience and trust, understanding these concepts is critical for forward-thinking organizations. Read on to understand how the digital identities of your customers are soon to be driven by the concepts of Web3 and decentralization. What is Web3? Simply put, Web 3.0 (Web3), refers to the next evolution of the internet, and it arrives on the heels of Web 2.0 and, before that, Web 1.0. The evolution looks like this: Web 1.0: internet users as consumers of content Web 2.0: internet users now consume and produce content via platforms like YouTube and social media Web 3.0: internet users take back.