Multi-factor Authentication: Because Phishing Happens

You’re at your desk, neck deep in deadlines (because aren’t we all) and suddenly, a notification appears. You have new mail! At first glance, it looks like the mundane Microsoft service notification email you usually ignore. Then, a moment of panic. What?! They’ve blocked my email?!? I need that! I have important things to do! You scroll quickly…

Making the Multifactor Authentication Transition: 3 User Access Management Considerations

As business operations move to the cloud, companies are increasingly switching to Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to secure their applications. After all, when business can be done from anywhere, and employees may need hundreds of different digital tools and services, security is a major concern. With new software comes new practices, and it’s…

7 Things to Consider Before Making the Switch to MFA

Passwords are hard. The (what feels like constantly) growing list of security requirements are intended to make passwords secure, but in many cases they’ve had the opposite effect. Complex passwords that meet all the requirements are often difficult to remember, so they’re reused across many sites. Users scribble them on sticky notes. They weave…

3 Important Security Trends Affecting Cloud Identity

The fast-changing world of cybersecurity can be complex, with plenty of news to sort through to find out what will affect IT systems in the months—and years—to come. In terms of cloud identity, zooming out to see the big picture reveals three particular trends that are poised to make a huge impact on security: the Internet of Things (IoT), Big…