Take a moment to imagine: for the smallholder farmers who supply 80% of food to emerging nations, what a difference it would make if they had timely, targeted agricultural research available at their fingertips—local weather reports, detailed climate data, and insight into when to sow and when to harvest. Or think about how valuable it would be to the bodega (or “duka”) owners of Nairobi if they could consolidate their point-of-sale, inventory management, and merchandising apps into one platform to grow their micro-retail businesses. Or consider: for a youth seeking support or crisis counseling through a helpline, what a relief it would be for them to reach the services they need through the communication channels of their choice—whether that’s phone, webchat, SMS, or social media. These scenarios aren’t hypothetical. They’re the types of life-changing projects that Mercy Corps, TechnoServe, and Tech Matters—three of the world’s most visionary.