Manually provisioning access to apps for a growing team of over 1100 employees was not scalable or cost effective, leading Wealthsimple to invest in automated access control. Wealthsimple is a Canadian fintech company serving 3 million Canadians, specializing in five areas: saving, trading, investing, tax, and crypto. Wealthsimple’s small but mighty IT team of five serves over 1100 internal users federating more than 200 apps. Previously, provisioning app access was a manual process per user, per app, slowing down IT and impacting overall company productivity. Before Workflows, business terms were waiting 48 hours or longer, and IT resources were swamped with time-consuming provisioning processes. Wealthsimple IT Manager Christopher Ejbich explains, “The access request user journey could take up to five days — just to grant access to a simple tool. Between the toil to get a ticket approved and the manual effort of managing requests, it became untenable.”.