
Announcing Entitlement Management for Okta Identity Governance

Organizations of all sizes are adopting more SaaS applications than ever. According to Okta’s Businesses at Work Report 2023, the average Okta customer uses 89 different applications. Driving a least privileged access approach for each of these applications becomes even more complex when teams have to take into account each application’s unique…

How strong governance can reduce your SaaS spend

Identity governance has traditionally been considered a compliance-first toolset. For businesses looking to adopt an IGA solution, this has meant audit trails, thorough reporting, and access controls. But more recently, IGA’s security-driven role has grown. Savvy CISOs recognize how the right solution can help safeguard an organization via least…

Artificial Intelligence for public good

When it comes to technology, there’s no arguing that the trend of the year is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is discussed simultaneously as the answer to — and the source of — all our problems. I know from my years of experience serving public sector organizations that it can be overwhelming when a new trend comes along. Suddenly, everywhere you…

Okta and Google Chrome Enterprise: Enhanced application protections with device assurance

As the digital landscape evolves, the need for robust security measures becomes increasingly critical. Organizations are constantly exploring innovative ways to ensure secure access to their systems and data. In this pursuit, Okta has taken a significant step forward by integrating its device assurance policies with Google's Device Trust Connector…

Connecting your HR system to Okta

Okta Lifecycle Management (LCM) helps organizations of all sizes streamline and automate end-to-end lifecycle activities. Customers who use an external Identity source, like a human resources (HR) management system, will connect it to Okta so that they can import and manage identities throughout their lifecycle in a single plane. Okta has a number…
