
Data Privacy Day: 5 Tips to Help Keep your Private Data Private

As new technologies continually integrate themselves deeper into the lives of average consumers, these users increasingly benefit from the enhanced productivity and convenience that these technologies offer. That being said, knowing how to leverage these technologies in a way that optimizes personal privacy isn’t always intuitive for the average…

Gartner Predicts Cloud IAM Will Grow 500 Percent by 2015

At a recent summit, Gartner analysts made strong assertions about cloud-based IAM’s growing predominance, predicting that cloud IAM will grow 500 percent from 2012 to 2015 (source: Gartner "A Guide to Making the Right Choices in the Expanding IDaaS Market, Gregg Kreizman, April 20, 2012). In addition, they predict that IDaaS will account for 25…
