2015 was a year of milestones at Okta. To name a few, we grew significantly, updated our look and feel and celebrated our customers at our most successful customer conference to date, Oktane15. We also rolled out the new Okta Community, the one-stop shop for users around the globe. COO Frederic Kerrest put it best when he described our Community as a "forum for customers to have ongoing regular dialogue with our teams and with each other." As customers continue to join and participate, the Community has become a powerful resource. Here’s a highlight reel of the top conversations this year as we move onward into 2016. AMA with Arturo Hinojosa: Our own Arturo Hinojosa, senior product marketing manager, hosted our first-ever "Ask Me Anything." Discussion topics ran the range, from technical questions about Okta Mobility Management and Adaptive MFA to lighthearted inquiries about.