Doug Harr

Splunk: Crawling through the Digital Muck with Okta

Splunk: derived from ‘spelunking’, the hobby or practice of exploring caves. Splunk envisions an IT world where big data makes sense and does not require any headlamps or helmets to crawl through the digital muck. In this world, data is both valuable and usable and can offer key insights for critical areas of a business, such as application…

The Intersection of Identity and Big Data: Better Business Insights with Splunk, Okta

Splunk’s mission is to make data accessible, usable and valuable to everyone. And there’s big value at the intersection of data and identity. In a great post on Splunk’s blog, “Splunk SSO using SAML through Okta,” the company describes its integration with Okta to improve the user experience. “As part of our ongoing efforts to make Splunk’s…
