
AI at Work 2024: A view from the C-suite

For business leaders today, there’s no hotter topic than artificial intelligence (AI). Executives everywhere are asking themselves — and each other — how AI will transform the products they offer, the ways they work, and the threats they face. Our new analysis, AI at Work 2024: C-suite perspectives on artificial intelligence, paints a picture of…

7 Key Data Privacy Laws for 2023

Compliance with data privacy law doesn’t just protect end users’ personal data—it also provides critical cyber security defenses for organizations. Employees and customers now expect the freedom to safely sign on from anywhere and companies are adopting and managing more cloud-based tools; meanwhile, data breaches continue to escalate in frequency…

Founders in Focus: Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU 

Each month we’ll highlight one of the founders of Okta Ventures’ portfolio companies. You’ll get to know more about them and learn how they work with Okta. This month we’re speaking with Simon Taylor, Founder, and CEO of HYCU.  What is HYCU, and what is your mission?  HYCU is the world’s fastest-growing Data Protection as a Service company, with…

CCPA vs. GDPR: Similarities and Differences Explained

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are laws that emerged to give individuals greater power over their personal information. Both regulate organizations that collect and use data in a variety of ways. A brief summary of the CCPA: Gives California residents increased transparency and control…

Securing Data Across APAC: Achieving APEC PRP Certification

At Okta, trust and transparency are core to who we are as a company. These values critically inform the way we view our responsibilities to our customers and to the personal data of their users that they entrust to Okta. The keystone of our transparency is providing our customers with a clear understanding of how we collect, process, and secure…

Founders in Focus: DataGrail

Welcome to our Founders in Focus series, where each month we highlight one of the founders of Okta Ventures’ portfolio companies. You’ll learn more about them and how they work with Okta. This month, we’re getting to know DataGrail, and their mission around privacy compliance. What is DataGrail and what is your mission? DataGrail aims to make…

Data Privacy Day: 5 Tips to Help Keep your Private Data Private

As new technologies continually integrate themselves deeper into the lives of average consumers, these users increasingly benefit from the enhanced productivity and convenience that these technologies offer. That being said, knowing how to leverage these technologies in a way that optimizes personal privacy isn’t always intuitive for the average…
