What Is Round Trip Time? Overview, Formula & Usage

Round trip time, or RTT, is a measurement of the milliseconds required for a data packet to head to a destination and for that destination server to send back an acknowledgment of the packet.

What is RTT in networking? 

Think of RTT as a type of timed confirmation receipt. As soon as you send something, the timer starts. It doesn't stop until you get a notification back from the destination server. 

In networking, speed is critical. Most people expect a page to load within three seconds or less. Measuring your RTT ensures that your server responds to requests with the speed and efficacy your audience demands. 

Let's give an RTT example. Your company has an important prospect in Australia, but your server is in Washington. That prospect will need data quickly, but plenty of roadblocks stand in the way, including several routers. 

Your sales team in Australia could measure RTT to ensure the prospect is pleased by the s