Okta Verify

Why Okta Verify protects your identity by pinning TLS connections

What is Public Key Pinning? Normally, traffic between a client application and its server-side relies on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). While this mechanism is sufficient for most internet traffic, the Okta Secure Identity Commitment requires us to consider advanced, persistent, targeted attackers, even including nation state-level actors. Okta…

Why we sunset the Okta Verify watch app

In the most recent version of Okta Verify for iOS (8.2), we decided to sunset the companion watch app. This blog aims to explain our thinking and share knowledge. Watch apps are cool. Pulling out your phone to accept an MFA push notification is not a great experience. Why would anyone sunset such great functionality? In a nutshell, you don’t need…

We’re Looking at the Future, and It Doesn't Have Passwords

We’re rapidly moving towards the enterprise of the future—but what does that look like? It could be a place where employees have intelligent interactions with machines, or an environment where commuting becomes obsolete because we can show up to meetings as holograms. No one can say for sure what the future looks like—but based on today’s trends,…

The Production Line: The LDAP Interface

For our third edition of The Production Line, we’re looking at something old, made new again with the LDAP Interface. In essence, it’s a hybrid IT game changer. If this sounds like hyperbole, note this customer quote: “[with the LDAP interface] we could finally get rid of our Lotus Notes server.” And although it spent some time cooking in Early…
