Customer identity

A customer identity is a unique profile that requires a different set of solutions based on the problems each individual customer faces. That’s why Okta ensures our tools meet the needs of our customers, with custom integrations, user-directed roadmaps, and customer experience journeys to show you how others have benefitted from Okta. 

CIAM by example in four recipes: Prevent fraudulent activity

This recipe is part of the series Learn CIAM by example: Four recipes to improve your app’s security and UX. You can learn more about the series by downloading our four recipes in a cookbook format. In this recipe, you learn how to use CIAM to prevent fraudulent sign-ups and account takeovers. Fraudulent activity on the web can happen on any…

Organizations moving forward

2023 was a big year for the Okta Customer Identity Cloud (CIC) Organizations product, which made its debut in April 2021. Adoption and product usage more than doubled. It led to a lot of learning and product investment. I’m excited to share our progress and what’s planned next. First, a quick recap on Organizations: Organizations provides the…

Why Identity is the I in… Time Tax

Here’s the second blog in our series detailing how focusing on Identity can help your organization improve end-user experiences and meet consumer expectations.  If you work for or support a government agency, you’re well aware of the recent legislative and industry push to improve digital experiences for the American public.  Examples run from the…

Why Identity is the I in… Human-centered design

If you work for or support a government agency, you’re well aware: there’s a new legislative push towards better digital experiences for constituents. From executive orders, memos to bipartisan senate bills, we’re excited about this new focus on customer access and experience in government.  But this transition won’t be easy. That’s why we’re…

Why now is the time for IAM transformation in banking

We’ve hit a tipping point in the battle between traditional financial institutions (TradFi) and financial technology (fintech) disruptors. Digital banking (led by fintech) has become ubiquitous, with nearly universal adoption —  eight in 10 consumers now use some type of digital financial tool, and half of Americans use fintech tools on a daily…
