Universal Directory

One place to manage all your users, groups and devices. That’s what Universal Directory offers: huge time and effort savings. For a business world increasingly concerned with authentication and identity management, the tool offers a transformative approach to cumbersome directory challenges. Find out more.

#Oktane15 Insider’s Guide – Security Edition

Oktane15 is just a few days away! In preparation for the event, we're highlighting must-see sessions and activities categorized by theme so you can rock our annual user conference like a pro – whether you're an Oktane veteran or joining us for the first time. In the third and final edition of our blog series, here's your Oktane15 Insider's Guide…

Oktane15 Insider’s Guide – Security Edition

Oktane15 is just a few days away! In preparation for the event, we’re highlighting must-see sessions and activities categorized by theme so you can rock our annual user conference like a pro – whether you’re an Oktane veteran or joining us for the first time. In the third and final edition of our blog series, here’s your Oktane15 Insider’s Guide…

Okta, The Perfect Complement to Google for Work

When we started Okta, we chose to integrate with a handful of applications: Salesforce.com, Box and Google Apps. (Microsoft Office 365, which recently surpassed Salesforce.com as the most commonly deployed app in our network of now 4,000+ applications, didn’t even exist.) As it turns out, we invested with the right ones – as those “original three”…
