

Here’s How You Solve the Lifecycle Management Problem

Every time you hire a new employee, a number of things must happen across HR and IT teams to get them access to the systems and tools they need to do their job. At the core of these onboarding processes is your company’s identity management (IDM) system, which monitors your employees’ lifecycles from beginning to end—every hire, role change,…

How To Protect On-Prem and Hybrid Cloud apps With Okta (Fast)

Okta has always made protecting cloud applications easy; and with the introduction of Okta Access Gateway we extend that protection to on-premises applications. In this article, I cover how Access Gateway delivers Okta Single Sign-On (SSO) and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) to the hybrid cloud fast, and without changing how your on…

The Production Line: The LDAP Interface

For our third edition of The Production Line, we’re looking at something old, made new again with the LDAP Interface. In essence, it’s a hybrid IT game changer. If this sounds like hyperbole, note this customer quote: “[with the LDAP interface] we could finally get rid of our Lotus Notes server.” And although it spent some time cooking in Early…

Dogfooding Chronicles: How Okta uses Okta

In this episode of the Dogfooding Chronicles, we want to go into the basics, and navigate you through Okta IT’s own use cases at a high level, stepping you through our environment and processes. We want to orient you to understand why we make the technology choices that we do. Our hope? You find this information so helpful, you’ll use some of it…

What is Federation and Why Should Your Apps Support it?

In the days before widespread use of the web, a user would log into a single server (or a handful of servers) and only have to remember one or two passwords. Applications were assumed to be for a single user, and didn’t require login credentials. Then, as the internet began to gain popularity and applications begin to be run on the web, the number…

Introducing… The Dogfooding Chronicles

Here at Okta, our goal and mantra is to securely connect the right people to the right technologies at the right time. “Dogfooding” our product (our definition below), is a key element in obtaining this goal, and the team that gets it done is the Okta on Okta team. In the coming months, The Dogfooding Chronicles will give you a glimpse inside Okta…

How Cloud Migration Supports Education

It’s no secret that cloud computing is disrupting the education industry, making learning much more flexible and accessible than ever before. Currently, 39% of higher education applications operate on the cloud, and that’s expected to grow to 62% by 2021. From Office 365 and Google Drive to learning management systems like Canvas and Blackboard,…

Mobile Apps: Why Legacy WAM Can’t Protect them

In recent years, there’s been an explosion of mobile apps for consumers. With this paradigm shift away from on-premises apps, legacy Web Access Management (WAM) solutions are failing to support customer applications outside the traditional firewall perimeter. Read on to learn exactly what WAM is, and why its architecture can’t protect mobile apps…

User Management: Designing for Security

At Okta, we see our customers deploy and build a broad range of customer-facing apps. Commonly, these apps support differing audiences, often reflected as segments within a single company, identities across customer companies, or users that span into partner organizations. Which begs the question: how to centrally manage these diverse users while…

Configuring Progressive Profiling for Your Custom Apps

At Okta, we see our customers deploy and build a broad range of customer-facing applications. At times, the completeness of a user profile may vary, depending on what is initially known about the user and any additional information that accrued over time. Progressive profiling is used to incrementally collect profile data over time, as a…
