user-centric IT

User-Centric IT to Take Centre Stage at Okta's #EUCloudSummit

If you regularly read our blog, follow @Okta on Twitter or check out our redesigned website, then you’re likely familiar with the term User-Centric IT (or popular hashtag #usercentricIT). And you’ll know that it’s a philosophy we – along with a host of other software vendors – are incredibly passionate about. I Want It Now. The thing is, we live…

Our New Site: Bringing User Centricity to Everything We Do

You’ve heard us talk a lot about our focus on our users lately. From Todd’s keynote at Oktane13 to our participation in the User-Centric IT consortium and the roll-out of Okta’s new user experience, it’s easy to see that we’re committed to making Okta a simple, easy-to-use service for our enterprise customers looking to securely connect their…

How Businesses Can Put People First: Announcing the User-Centric IT Initiative

There’s a certain kind of satisfaction you get when you turn on your phone, tablet and computer, open an application and find it just works. Like when you select an icon and a cab appears at your location right when you need it. Or when you push a button and that photo of your brother’s graduation is instantly shared with all of your friends. Such…
