identity management

Crossing the Atlantic: Thoughts on our Series D Funding

Last week, Okta proudly announced a $27 million series D round of funding, which will be used for growing our company internationally. This funding marks a very strong vote of confidence from our investors for Okta and for cloud-based identity management as an industry, but I’m personally most excited about what it means for our future and wanted…

Top 5 Reasons to Attend Oktane13: Identity Management Conference

The countdown has officially begun. That’s right, there’s fewer than 75 days until Oktane13, our inaugural user conference! Whether you’re a customer or thinking about becoming one, a partner, or simply an identity enthusiast, Oktane13 is the place to examine the increasingly critical role of cloud and hybrid identity management in the enterprise…

The Modern Enterprise, Mobility and External Identity: Thoughts from Gartner Catalyst

Gartner Catalyst is always a great opportunity to talk through the challenges modern enterprises face — and how identity can help solve those challenges. And this year’s event was no different. Increased cloud and mobile adoption are the usual suspects, but a new wrinkle was on everybody’s mind this year: managing the identities of “non-employees,…

Oktane13 Identity Management Conference: Keynote with Ben Horowitz

Join hundreds of attendees including Okta customers, partners and industry experts for Oktane13 where we will examine forward-thinking cloud and hybrid IT strategies, and the increasingly critical role of identity management in the enterprise. Taking place November 3-5 in San Francisco, Oktane13 will give you access to over 30 sessions and…

Make Us Your To-Do List: 5 Reasons to Choose Okta

Busy day? We know you’re probably reading this right now while avoiding an epic Monday to-do list. If “streamline my IT operations system and move to the cloud” is on that to-do list, then you stumbled upon the perfect place to procrastinate. Our customers love to talk about how we’ve helped them manage the same task so, in the spirit of lists…

Okta’s Customers Keep Getting Hotter

In the past twelve months, we added a few customers you might recognize, from your laundry detergent and cleaning supply brand to your favorite fast food fried chicken and your window to the world. That’s right: Clorox, Popeye's Chicken and National Geographic are now among our hundreds of enterprise customers. Another new customer that’s…

Top 10 Reasons Valentines are Like Passwords

Happy Valentine's Day from the Okta team! We've had some fun thinking about chocolate, flowers and all things Enterprise Identity Management and came up with the Top 10 11 reasons valentines are like passwords. Enjoy! You get in trouble if you use the wrong name Sharing isn't advisable Neither should be your dog If you break up, you lose access…

How to Make Your Cloud App Ready for the Enterprise

IT’s job is harder now than it’s ever been. The reality of a hybrid on-premise and cloud environment has complicated and drastically changed IT’s role, forcing them to adapt for risk irrelevance. But what about the SaaS ISVs seeking to get in on the growth in enterprise cloud adoption? What’s the secret to building a successful, enterprise-ready…
