Customer identity and access management (CIAM) is a major topic in business today, and with good reason: if your clientele doesn’t feel secure using your products and services, they probably aren’t going to engage at all. CIAM solutions include Single Sign-On and Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication, among others. Read on to learn more.

Building Trusted Digital Experiences with Okta

Over the past few months, most of us have begun to return to our usual activities. We’re heading back to the office, going out for lunch with colleagues, and boarding planes. But it’s certainly not business as usual. According to a recent McKinsey Global Survey of executives, the pandemic has accelerated corporate adoption of digital products by…

Your Business Growth Depends on Customer Identity

A new era of business requires new methods for increasing revenue and accelerating business growth. The best way to do this? Leveraging modern technologies and tools. Providing customers with extraordinary digital experiences is more important than ever—and customer identity and access management (CIAM) is an essential component of this.  Today,…

An Inside Look at Okta’s New Code Tycoon Game

Have you tried playing Code Tycoon yet? Our new game, inspired by everyday developer experiences, asks players to save a failing company by creating a new flagship product—but that’s much easier said than done. From navigating tricky conversations with coworkers to fixing the perpetually broken office printer, there are a lot of distractions to…

Introducing Code Tycoon: A Developer-Inspired Game From Okta

As a software developer, it’s your job to build exciting applications and features. But more often than not, your time is spent fixing other people’s technical problems rather than focusing on the tasks that will drive the business forward. Raise your hand if you never again want to reset a password or help install a desktop program.  Those are…
